Limp Poker Term Average ratng: 3,6/5 2781 reviews

An open limp is when the first person entering the pot (except for the blinds) enters with a limp. A limp is just a call (1 big blind). This is mostly considered a weak play because just calling the big blind implies you have a weak hand. Limit Poker Poker played with fixed betting amounts. Limp In To call in late position. Little Blind the smaller compulsory ante in Hold'em paid by the first player to the left of the dealer. Little ones The lowest card in a player’s hand and any that match it in the same hand. For example, if the lowest card in a player’s hand is a Three.

he has a limp dick hence he is unableto fuck his wife
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Anything that is considered lame or weak. Something that may have been a dissapointment.
by Riz February 23, 2004
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A word that describes something unfavourable, dissapointing or unexpectedin a bad way
Joe: Dude i cant make it to this crazy party tonight!
Ryan: LIMP! It was going to be wazza!
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Limp Poker Term
LOL in my Pants. Originates from the Isle of Man and is generally used to describe anything that is funny.
'Hey did you see Greatest Freak Out Ever 8 last night?'
'Yeah, it made me LIMP!'
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To call the minimum amount required in the first betting round in order to continue in the hand.

The minimum bet is the amount of the big blind. So, if the blinds are $1/$2, a player has the option to limp in for $2.

If all players have limped pre-flop the big blind has the option to check and see a flop without investing additional money.

An over-limp is when you limp after other player(s) have also limped into the pot.

Limp Poker Term Big

EXAMPLE “With 7 other limpers, I decided to limp and see a cheap flop.”

Limp Poker Term Meaning

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