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  • I am Zihan (Johan) Liu (刘子涵). I received Bachelor Degree from Zhejiang University.Currently, I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology supervised by Prof. Pascale Fung in Center of AI Research.
  • Hi I'm using ggplot to plot actual data with geompoint with a scalefillmanual over theoretical data that is plotted with geomtile with scalefillviridis. This code seems to be perfect for what I want but I don't quite understand it as I'm relatively new to R.
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  • turtle.refuel(amount) end: end: function back(length) for i=1, length, 1 do: if i9 then torch end -places a torch after the first 8 blocks and: if (i-8)%160 and i9 then torch end -then another every 16 blocks: turtle.back if ilength-1 and other.close then -closes the branch: turtle.placeUp end: end.

R: Filling missing dates in a grouped time series. fillgroupedtimeseries.R.

result= []
# Loop through each reel
$('.reel-outer'). each->
# When the spin link is clicked...
# Choose a random symbol between 1 and 10
type=parseInt((Math.random() *9), 10) +1
# Define a spin duration between 1 and 10000
duration=parseInt((Math.random() *10000), 10)
# Increment the total spin value
# Multiply type by 36 (degrees) and add to the total
spin= type *36+ spinPlus
# Apply the transition duration and rotation
WebkitTransitionDuration:'#{ duration }ms'
WebkitTransform:'rotateX(-#{ spin }deg)'
# Add the reel result type to array
# Increment the spin counter
# Once the counter reaches 3...
if count is3
# And all transitions are ended, display results
$this.on'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend', () ->
console.log result
result= []
- symbols = ['users', 'location', 'help', 'buildings', 'user', 'femaleuser', 'briefcase', 'globe', 'chat', 'phone']
- 3.times do i
- 10.times do i
%div{:class => 'ss-#{ symbols[i] }'}
%a.spin(href='#') SPIN
margin: 20px0
height: 160px
position: relative
width: 280px
.reel-outer, .reel, .reel-faces, .reel-face-outer, .shadow
position: absolute
+background-image(linear-gradient($grey, $white40%, $white60%, $grey))
border: 1pxsolid#CCC
height: 100%
width: 80px
left: 100px
left: 200px
height: 160px
+transition-timing-function(cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.03, 0.57, 1.1))
width: 80px
height: 80px
+transform-origin(0, 100%)
width: 80px
$i: 0
@while $i<10
&:nth-child(#{ $i + 1 })
+rotateX(#{ $i*36 }deg)
$i: $i+1
height: 50px
line-height: 50px
+transform-origin(0, 0)
width: 80px
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This model solves Slot-Filling task using Levenshtein search and different neural network architectures for NER.To read about NER without slot filling please address NER documentation.This model serves for solving DSTC 2 Slot-Filling task. In most of the cases, NER task can be formulated as:

Given a sequence of tokens (words, and maybe punctuation symbols)provide a tag from a predefined set of tags for each token in thesequence.

For NER task there are some common types of entities used as tags:

  • persons

  • locations

  • organizations

  • expressions of time

  • quantities

  • monetary values

Furthermore, to distinguish adjacent entities with the same tag manyapplications use BIO tagging scheme. Here “B” denotes beginning of anentity, “I” stands for “inside” and is used for all words comprising theentity except the first one, and “O” means the absence of entity.Example with dropped punctuation:

In the example above, FOOD means food tag, LOC means locationtag, and “B-” and “I-” are prefixes identifying beginnings andcontinuations of the entities.

Slot Filling is a typical step after the NER. It can be formulated as:


Given an entity of a certain type and a set of all possible values ofthis entity type provide a normalized form of the entity.

In this model, the Slot Filling task is solved by LevenshteinDistance search across all known entities of a given type.

For example, there is an entity of “food” type:


Github Slot Filling Machine

It is definitely misspelled. The set of all known food entities is{‘chinese’, ‘russian’, ‘european’}. The nearest known entity from thegiven set is chinese. So the output of the Slot Filling system will bechinese.

Configuration of the model¶

Configuration of the model can be performed in code or in JSON configuration file.To train the model you need to specify four groups of parameters:

  • dataset_reader

  • dataset_iterator

  • chainer

  • train

In the subsequent text we show the parameter specification in configfile. However, the same notation can be used to specify parameters incode by replacing the JSON with python dictionary.

Dataset Reader¶

The dataset reader is a class which reads and parses the data. Itreturns a dictionary with three fields: “train”, “test”, and “valid”.The basic dataset reader is “ner_dataset_reader.” The dataset readerconfig part with “ner_dataset_reader” should look like:

where class_name refers to the basic ner dataset reader class and data_pathis the path to the folder with DSTC 2 dataset.

Dataset Iterator¶

Slot Filling Github

For simple batching and shuffling you can use “dstc2_ner_iterator”.The part of the configuration file for the dataset iterator looks like:'dataset_iterator':{'class_name':'dstc2_ner_iterator'}

There are no additional parameters in this part.


The chainer part of the configuration file contains the specification ofthe neural network model and supplementary things such as vocabularies.The chainer part must have the following form:

The inputs and outputs must be specified in the pipe. “in” means regularinput that is used for inference and train mode. “in_y” is used fortraining and usually contains ground truth answers. “out” field standsfor model prediction. The model inside the pipe must have outputvariable with name “y_predicted” so that “out” knows where to getpredictions.

The major part of “chainer” is “pipe”. The “pipe” contains thepre-processing modules, vocabularies and model. However, we can useexisting pipelines:

This part will initialize already existing pre-trained NER module. Theonly thing need to be specified is path to existing config. Thepreceding lazy tokenizer serves to extract tokens for raw string oftext.

The following component in the pipeline is the slotfiller:

The slotfiller takes the tags and tokens to perform normalization ofextracted entities. The normalization is performed via fuzzy Levenshteinsearch in dstc_slot_vals dictionary. The output of this component isdictionary of slot values found in the input utterances.

The main part of the dstc_slotfilling componet is the slot valuesdictionary. The dicttionary has the following structure:

Slotfiller will perform fuzzy search through the all variations of allentity values of given entity type. The entity type is determined by theNER component.

The last part of the config is metadata:

It contains information for deployment of the model and urls fordownload pre-trained models.

You can see all parts together in deeeppavlov/configs/ner/slotfill_dstc2.json

Usage of the model¶

Please see an example of training a Slot Filling model and using it forprediction:

This example assumes that the working directory is the root of theproject.

Slotfilling without NER¶

An alternative approach to Slot Filling problem could be fuzzy searchfor each instance of each slot value inside the text. This approach isrealized in slotfill_raw component. The component uses needle inhaystack

The main advantage of this approach is elimination of a separate NamedEntity Recognition module. However, absence of NER module make thismodel less robust to noise (words with similar spelling) especially forlong utterances.

Usage example: